
Maximizing Efficiency and Quality: The Importance of Periodically Bidding Out Service Contracts

If you’ve been using the same vendor for years without bidding out the service contract, 你可能是在伤害自己. 作为一家官方直营bbin公司, bidding out 服务合同 for our clients is a valuable tool that creates a balance between maintaining quality service and optimizing costs. 在这篇博文中, 我们深入研究招标服务合同的好处, 包括从哪个服务开始以及频率. Reasons for Periodically Bidding Out Service Contracts Cost Savings Regularly bidding out 服务合同 ensures you receive the…


NAI Ohio Equities Promotes From Within, Creates New Leadership Structure for Property Management

We are pleased to announce the 促销活动s of Dave Wakeman and Devon Cotterman, who each have new roles as Vice President of Property Management for NAI Ohio Equities. “Dave and Devon have long-tenured careers here at the company and have established a standard of excellence for the properties they serve. It was imperative to look at our talented group of people and to promote from within our organization,迈克·辛普森总统说. “We looked closely at our future goals and determined that it made a lot of sense for us…


Beyond the Deal: Four Essential Steps Now That You’re Closing on Your Commercial Property

你方报盘已被接受, 你已经完成了你的尽职调查, 你要卖掉你的商业地产了,所以, 接下来是什么? Whether you are a commercial property owner or 租户, there are still more details to attend to. From preparing your space for occupancy to budgeting for long-term capital expenses, 既然你要打烊了,这些都是必做的. 1. Prepare the Space for Occupancy Now that you’ve found the perfect space for your business, 或者找到了理想的房客, 是时候让它成为你自己的了. 你需要……


The Evolving Role of the Property Manager and the Tenant Experience

商业物业经理的角色已经发生了变化. Office vacancy rates continue to remain high due to work-from-home and hybrid policies and 租户s are seizing the opportunity to upgrade their space. The flight to quality – a migration to amenity-driven spaces in walkable mixed-use communities, 让业主们进退两难, 物业经理, 和经纪人, with a surplus of aging 办公室 space that continues to sit on the market. 结果是, 物业经理 are now finding that they have become curators of the “租户的经验” to compete.…



Columbus Oncology and Hematology is dedicated to providing compassionate, quality care to its patients who have received a cancer diagnosis. It is an organization that makes every effort to make the devastating diagnosis a little bit easier to bear by removing obstacles for patients so that they can focus on getting well. From their state-of-the-art facilities and services to something as simple as moving away from a menu-driven phone system and instead, ensuring a patient experience team member answers each call and personally helps to direct it to avoid additional…



在大流行开始时, there was much talk circulating the industry regarding the 医疗 space. 这是对以卫生为中心的全球危机的自然反应, 所有的目光都集中在华润的医疗领域, 那仍然是一个充满不确定性的时代. During the early months of COVID when nobody knew how intense the stakes may get or how long it all would last, 医疗 办公室 租户s were planning to expand their ground presence while simultaneously flexing their digital capacities. 但是,已经几个月了,我们的谈话…



Let’s look at the various 趋势 we will be keeping an eye out for in 2019, 以及它们如何让你在新的一年里取得成功. Retention In 2019 it will be incredibly pivotal to retain 管理 that is long-term and consistent. This creates the capability for 管理 to get to know the property and its 租户s and provide the best possible results. 预计2019-2020年租金将趋于平稳, it will be key for 管理 to maintain peak operating performances, 减少空缺和控制开支,所以…


6 Must-Consider Factors When Investing in Commercial Real Estate

So you’re embarking on a journey in 商业地产 投资. Commercial real estate investing can be incredibly rewarding by providing additional income, 安全, and longevity that are less common in other types of 投资. 然而, 不管你是在找办公空间, 工业区位, flex的空间, 或出租物业, 在各种各样的其他商业房地产中, it is important to consider a few factors prior to beginning your new journey. Financials It is pivotal to ask yourself, are my financials organized to invest? 你想要多少……



Managing properties used to take a robust staff of dozens of people to collect rent, 维护场地, 进行维修和日常维护, 等. Current 技术 has made it so that nearly every single task in 官方直营bbin can be handled through 技术, 使管理属性变得更加容易, 与租户互动, 收取租金, 确保并留住新租户.   #1: CRE Management Platforms  Commercial real estate was late to the game but as of late, there are tech companies catching up with this underrepresented market. It…
